Thursday, January 26, 2012

Miraculous Herbal Facials in Virginia

Miraculous Herbal Facials in Virginia

Our skin is exposed to a million sources of dirt and toxins on a day to day basis. If these toxins and dirt are not cleansed, they accumulate and damage the skin in the form of blemishes, acne and clogged pores. One of the most effective ways of cleansing our skin from daily accumulation of dirt is by getting an herbal facial.
The healing and restorative powers of herbs have been known to mankind since the beginning of time. Ancient medicinal practices all employed the usage of herbs to treat human beings from various illnesses, and modern science has benefited from this knowledge as well.
Herbal Facials in Virginia

Hence the best estheticians have also acquired the knowledge of the healing powers of herbs and incorporated it into their skincare treatments to provide successful, healthy treatments for skin problems. 
There are many different herbal combinations used for different types of skin, hence you and your esthetician might have to experiment with different blends before you find a treatment that works magic for your particular type of skin and problem. However there are many herbs that are generally beneficial for all skin types and those blends are used in most herbal facials to treat basic skin problems by licensed estheticians.

Comfrey and Oats for Herbal Facials in Viriginia

Comfrey is an herb which is known to cure skin from cuts and blemishes and has soothing properties that heals irritated and sensitive skin. It is also beneficial in skin cell proliferation, which when used in a combination with oats can help treat inflamed skin, or break outs on skin due to allergies.
Comfrey and oats in a combination can sooth and refresh skin as oats draw out the oil from the clogged pores of the skin, cleansing out any residues of dirt and makeup accumulated inside the skin.

Elder Blossom

Elder is a pungent and bitter, yet effective and cooling herb. Elder flowers have been used in remedies to cure low fever, and to reduce inflammation on skin, along with soothing skin irritation. Elder blossoms contain organic acids and glycosides which have a healing effect on the skin.
Elder blossoms are known to treat chilblains and minor burns on the skin along with treating inflamed skin and sore eyes. When used in a combination with jojoba oil and beeswax, elder blossom can make a very effective moisturizer so the use of elder blossom in a facial can thoroughly hydrate and refresh tired and fatigued skin.

Mixed Herbal Facials in Virginia

When you use a combination of herbs with other natural ingredients you often come up with miracle cure for most basic skin conditions which are safe from chemicals and can be carried out regularly to treat skin problems that keep showing up. These treatments are done by mixing herbs with ingredients like milk, eggs, plain yogurt, distilled witch hazel and fruits such as avocados to make facial masks, scrubs and moisturizers.
Eggs are known to treat age lines, especially the combination of egg whites and yoghurt along with an herb that compliments your skin type. Similarly witch hazel and egg yolk can stop your skin from becoming excessively oily, and when used in a combination with herbs like comfrey they can eliminate age spots and spider veins from ones face.
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