Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Exotic Papaya Fruit Facials in Virginia

Papayas are so much more than a delicious exotic fruit. Papayas have a world of nutrition packed within its skin, containing enzymes that can work wonders for your skin, officially making the papaya your skins very best friend.
Cosmetologists and scientists agree that papaya extracts can work wonders for your skin. Papayas are rich in antioxidants which include vitamin C which is exceptionally beneficial for your skin in summers. Papayas also contain antioxidants in the form of flavinoids and carotenes, along with a special enzyme called ‘Papain’ which helps eliminate dead cells and purge impurities from your skin.

Fruit Facials

Papain is now a popular compound for many papaya based products that are available in the market. However the best products are those that are made in the salons themselves by using fresh papaya crushed with some seeds, which is made into specific mixtures to provide you with a divine facial treat.
Papayas are also excellent for reducing signs of premature aging in the skin, such as dark blemishes, dull areas and lifeless looking skin. Papayas help when the skin has prematurely dried out due to overexposure to the sun, soothing and refreshing it. Papain is a popular extract in many lotions that help with sunburn as it the papaya leaf extract exfoliates and eliminates dead skin cells without leaving any impact on the living cells which are a part of the functioning skin tissue.
Papaya facials are famous as they are known to help when it comes to skin whitening as it removes tan and stimulates skin renewal. When papain is used in exfoliation, it has the power to restore hardened skin back to its original softness and makes it smoother and suppler.
When your esthetician offers you papaya based products like papaya soap, be sure to take up on her offer. Papaya products such as soap are the best exfoliants and moisturizers. A good papaya lotion thoroughly hydrates the skin, giving it sufficient moisture to look young and glowing.
Papayas on the whole offer you the best health benefits and they taste and smell amazing too. Fresh papayas in season are bright orange, and are a great source of beta carotene. Papayas contain a rich selection of vitamins and minerals which are essential for good looking skin, and contain lots of magnesium and potassium which prevents skin from drying out.
Overall, eating papayas can be an excellent dietary choice as regular consumption of the fruit can better your heart condition and are extremely combative against carcinogens. Papayas can help soothe sport injuries and food intolerances. It is a good source of sweetness for people who have diabetes and cannot consume sugar, and some researchers suggest that papayas can even help in preventing certain types of diabetes.
Papaya facials are usually carried out using a papaya paste mixed in with other natural products such as milk, sandalwood powder, honey, oats and yogurt. A good esthetician would know which mixture would work the best for your type of skin and would recommend it to you so that your skin can have the best papaya treatment.
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